02 December 2008

Disney Trip

November 9 we headed down to Disney for a week of fun. Uncle Frank, Aunt Janet, Krista, Josh, Jazlyn and Austin came up and met us. We had such a great time with them. The kids enjoyed each other and it was really great seeing them. It had been a while...
We packed so much in, hitting all 4 parks. Jenna was so excited to be with Jazlyn, that when it was time for them to leave, she cried. She didn't want them to leave. We took her on some big rides - Thunder Mountain, which she loved, Roaring Rapids, which she loved and got soaked and the Tower of Terror, which she hated. It was more the ghosts before the ride that scared her then the actual ride. Michael was a trooper and we took him on most of the rides too. He loved them, falling asleep on most.
And we were a little nervouse on the flights because we didn't know how Michael was going to be, but he was an angel both ways. And of course Miss Jenna is the seasoned traveler and was perfect both ways.
The weather was great and we couldn't have asked for a better week.
Miss you guys!!!!

Rivera Family in front of entrance to Magic Kingdom
Uncle Frank, Mike and Michael

Me with Krista and Aunt Janet

Wolk Family in front of the entrance to Magic Kingdom

Jazlyn, Austin and Jenna

Out to dinner at the Beach Club

Breakfast with Mickey

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